Matlab Delete Project

Electroniciin angiin huuhed tanai angi elselt awaaguishtee gej bsan. Сайн байна уу?Тунгаа. Багш нь ч гэсэн мэдсэн юм алга. Элсэлт энэ жил аваагүй гэсэн. 10 н жил тогтвортой сайн байсан мэргэжлийг шууд хаахгүй байлгүй дээ. Хэрэгтэй гээд нээсэн хойно ШУТИС гэсэн малгай дор нэг сургууль дээр нь хадгална байх хэмээн найдаж байгаа. These has to be bold confronted, aligned left and completely capitalised. MAIN TEXT: matlab main text should be in engineering 8 point Calibri Font, single spaced and justified. FIGURES andTABLES: These might be primary, established, one after the other numbered and self explained, and titles has to be above matlab tables/figures. Sources of data should be mentioned under matlab desk/figure. It can be ensured that matlab tables/figures are mentioned from matlab main text. EQUATIONS: These can be consecutively numbered in parentheses, horizontally based with equation number located at matlab right.